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Not what we were expecting but we love her. Highly intelligent. Playful and very good with people. Loves the neighborhood small children. But you must entertain and play and exercise. Otherwise is moody.

Quick learners and adaptable, Miniature Schnauzers can be just as happy living in a city apartment or hinein the country.

However, there’s a lot of “maybes” in such a choice, and this makes a Pomsky unsuitable for families with small children, or for people who can’t adapt quickly to the unpredictability.

Leaving her alone for too long hinein the yard is not a great idea either, as she loves to dig and, thanks to her Husky blood, she’ll most probably find herself a way to escape once she’s bored.

They don’t get very far from me and sometimes that causes nipping and growling from the Corgi. I won’t trade either of them for anything. Best of luck.

They can be skittish around small children, though, and may not be a good fit for families with very young kids.

They’re very active dogs that love to play with their owners but Beryllium warned that these little guys need to stay busy, otherwise they get bored and can develop destructive behavior.

Well suited for apartment life due to its small stature, the Pomsky is a dog that can never get enough attention and returns all the love it receives. The Pomsky was created as a Gestalter breed Potpourri between a Siberian Husky and a Pomeranian and has earned much popularity with dog lovers.

I’ll stick with my dogs. Sounds like a lot of work and responsibility and I try to focus on dogs that I can make happy and take proper care of. Thanks for this entertaining and detailed Streich – I have only heard of Mehr Info this breed once or twice, but didn’t know anything about it.

Appearance can vary, depending on which parent breed's genes are more dominant. Often they have the coloring and markings of a Siberian husky combined with the fluffy coat of a Pomeranian.

I have a one year old beautiful male pomsky. He is 32 lbs, multi colored and blue eyes. The Pomskys are normally bigger when bred from purebred husky and purebred pomeranian.

Their size can vary greatly and somewhat unpredictable. On the other hand, now that there are multiple generations there is more predictability. However, be sure to know what generation and Potpourri.

I think she just needs room to große nachfrage and get away from people when she wants to. She’s cute but small dogs are not for me personally and I dislike that my brother felt the need to buy a house he couldn’t afford just so his dog could have a yard!

I was raised to Beryllium a dog person. My first Shepherd grew up as I did and wanted to Beryllium where I welches at all times. I got my second dog as a 16th birthday present, and her loyalty for me welches just as strong as my first.

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